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Devops Is a Poorly Executed Scam

Accepted submission by ticho at 2015-12-05 17:54:31

Ted Dziuba has an interesting opinion piece [] about DevOps phenomenon:

I've got to hand it to the Agile development guys — they were really good at liberating money out of organizations that all had trouble with something inherently difficult. The geniuses who developed Scrum and Extreme Programming executed masterfully; selling books and training; and they made some serious bank doing it. If you hang around Silicon Valley long enough, you know to applaud the hustle. It's the classic Rainmaker scam. You pay a man to make it rain on your crops, and when it rains, he takes the credit. If it doesn't rain, he comes up with an excuse that involves you paying more money.

So, given that, I'm befuddled by the Devops movement. It's got the potential to make a handful of people a lot of money in the same way that Agile did, but nobody is really executing on it. It's proper snake oil with all the trimmings: prescription of "culture change", few and vague concrete steps for implementation, and most of all, the promise to solve an age old problem.

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