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U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter Used a Personal Email Account at the Pentagon

Accepted submission by takyon at 2015-12-17 15:07:53

The New York Times reports that U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter used a personal email account to conduct government business [] during his first months at the Pentagon, and the newspaper says it has copies of some of the emails:

Mr. Carter continued the practice, which violated Defense Department rules, for at least two months after it was publicly revealed in March that Hillary Clinton had exclusively used a personal email account as secretary of state, the officials said.

It is not clear when Mr. Carter stopped using the account. But an administration official said that when the White House chief of staff, Denis R. McDonough, learned about Mr. Carter's email practices in May, Mr. McDonough directed the White House Counsel's Office to contact the Defense Department to ask why Mr. Carter was relying on the personal account. Mr. McDonough wanted to ensure that Mr. Carter was following all federal laws and regulations governing email use, the official said.

In a written statement on Wednesday, a spokesman for Mr. Carter said that the defense secretary had determined that he had been wrong to use the personal account.

[...] The emails obtained by The Times show Mr. Carter and his aides discussing a variety of matters, including legislation, television appearances and how to pay for a hotel bill.

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