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Off the Wall News: Taking the Piss

Accepted submission by takyon at 2015-12-17 16:05:18

If these walls could talk, they would silently urinate on you with scorn []:

London's Hackney council is targeting male revellers' time-honoured practice of necking a skinful, and then relieving themselves against walls, with a hydrophobic coating designed to send steaming streams straight back to the piss-taker.

According [] to the BBC, the authority spends £100k a year cleaning up after al fresco urinators, and has decided to spunk £1,000 treating walls at "two popular drinking locations in Shoreditch and Dalston".

Ultra-Ever Dry - supplied by US outfit UltraTech International [] - is so slash-repellent that any attempt to water protected walls will result in a self-administered golden shower.

The council's Feryal Dermici said: "If the prospect of a fine doesn't put them off from weeing in the street, maybe the risk of getting covered in urine will."

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