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Netflix Creates DIY Smart Socks That Pause Your Show When You Fall Asleep

Accepted submission by at 2015-12-17 22:37:20
We've all said "just one more episode before bed" to ourselves only to fall asleep halfway through while Netflix kept playing. It's frustrating to try to put the pieces back together the next day as you attempt to determine what you last saw before you dozed off -- and Netflix feels your pain. Now Nathan McAlone writes at Business Insider that Netflix has built socks that read your body to understand when you fall asleep, and then automatically pause your Netflix show []. The sleep detection socks uses an accelerometer to tell when you've stopped moving for a while (presumably when you've fallen asleep). In the socks prototype, an LED light in the cuff of the sock begins to flash red when you've been immobile [], letting you know it is about to pause your show. If you move at all, it cancels the countdown. Netflix released a detailed parts list [], including where you can purchase each item needed, as well as schematics [] you can follow as you build out the electronics. The company even put together the basic code you'll need to use to program the electronics, though you'll need to find your TV's IR signals to make it work. The knitting process for the socks doesn't seem too difficult [] (if you already know how to knit, of course), and Netflix offers a handful of patterns based on the company's popular shows -- including "BoJack Horseman," "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," "Bloodline," "Master of None" and "House of Cards."

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