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The Long Death of

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2015-12-18 16:54:59
Code has been removed from the core Perl distribution []. From 5.22, it is no longer included in a standard Perl installation.

There are good technical reasons for this. CGI is a dying technology. In 2015, there are far better ways to write web applications in Perl. We don’t want to be seen to encourage the use of a technology which no-one should be using.

This does lead to a small problem for us though. There are plenty of web hosting providers out there who don’t have particularly strong Perl support. They will advertise that they support Perl, but that’s just because they know that Perl comes as a standard part of the operating system that they run on their servers. They won’t do anything to change their installation in any way. Neither you nor I would use a hosting company that works like that – but plenty of people do.

The problem comes when these companies start to deploy an operating system that includes Perl 5.22. All of a sudden, those companies will stop including on their servers. And while we don’t want to encourage people to use (or, indeed, the CGI protocol itself) we need to accept that there are thousands of sites out there that have been happily using software based on for years and the owners of these sites will at some point change hosting providers or upgrade their service plan and end up on a server that has Perl 5.22 and doesn’t have And their software will break.

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