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Horror Films Do Curdle Your Blood (Or At Least Result in Higher Levels of Coagulant)

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2015-12-18 17:03:18

According to research [] conducted by a team at the Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands and published earlier this week, watching horror films does actually cause an increase in a particular blood coagulant factor responsible for blood clotting [].

The study was conducted on 24 healthy participants aged 30 or younger. These participants were divided into 2 groups, one of 10 participants, the other of 14. The group of 10 was assigned to watch a non-scary educational film followed by a horror film, and the group of 14 was assigned to watch the horror film followed by the educational film, viewed a week apart.

Before and after viewing each film, blood samples were taken from each participant. These samples were analysed for clotting activity, revealing an increase in coagulant factor VIII in more participants that viewed the horror film than watched the educational film.

Higher levels of coagulant, but not Andromeda-Strain [] high.

Original Submission