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Our Geek Prime Minister

Accepted submission by Appalbarry at 2015-12-18 23:31:54

Lost in the midst of all of the G8, Climate Change, and First Nations coverage, is the utterly important news that Canada's new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a serious geek.

First he was interviewed with his kids at Comicon, wearing a Superman T-shirt, [] and expounded his views on The Man of Steel, geeked out on meeting Peter Mayhew, and talked about introducing his kids to the Star Wars franchise. Then he was interviewed and admitted that the best Christmas gift purchase he ever made was a Millennium Falcon lego set [] that, because his son was too young for it, he got to build. And then this week he booked a private screening of "The Force Awakens" and invited a roomful of kids from the local Children's hospital. []

Why this matters: We've got leader who is a science-fiction geek, obviously, and some of us are very hopeful that his government will make decisions based on scientific fact, not political expediency.

Oh yes - his Achilles heel "I geek out too easily."

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