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Programmers Share 188 Computer-Generated Novels on GitHub

Accepted submission by oaklandwatch at 2015-12-20 21:02:51
Last month 188 entries turned up on GitHub in an event challenging programmers to write computer code to generate 50,000-word novels []. "The 'novel' is defined however you want," wrote the organizer for National Novel-Generating Month []. "It could be 50,000 repetitions of the word 'meow.' It could literally grab a random novel from Project Gutenberg. It doesn't matter, as long as it's 50k+ words." Novels were submitted as Issues on the event's GitHub repository, and this year saw intriguing titles like "The Hero with Arbitrarily-Many Faces," "THE CYBERWHALE – a cyberpunk version of Moby Dick," and "Terms and Conditions – a Legal Thriller."

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