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Tokyo Cops' Drones will Snare Rogue Operators' Drones with Nets

Accepted submission by -- OriginalOwner_ at 2015-12-21 06:49:20

from the first,-there-were-televised-car-chases,-now... dept. reports []

The Tokyo police will soon be deploying an anti-drone drone squad to assist in the capture of rogue drones that fly within restricted airspace. That's right, crime-fighting drones.

[...]Through a [process] of trial and error, the police settled on equipping a drone with a three meter by two meter net to ensnare suspect drones. [...] Police will [first] attempt to issue a warning to the rogue drone's operator before they send in the calvary to dispatch it. The net has been designed to disable and capture suspect drones rather than damage or destroy, as you'll see in the demonstration video.

[...]This new anti-drone unit will be charged with patrolling at-risk spots, such as the Diet building [legislature], the Imperial Palace, and the prime minister's office where an incident occurred just a few months ago. Police have taken these precautions after an incident in April where a drone placed radioactive soil from Fukushima Prefecture on the roof of the prime minister's office. The Aviation Law has also been amended, which adds tighter airspace restrictions.

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