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Warning Signs You're About to be Laid-Off

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2015-12-22 17:29:52
Career & Education

It's the holidays and many people are feeling cheerful, but if you're feeling Grinch-like instead this one's for you []:

If you've been around for a while, the time will eventually come when a company you work for is in unfortunate shape and will need to "downsize." Having witnessed this at a client of mine this week, I've noticed a pattern and a few warning signs you may find useful…

Here are several warning signs you're about to be laid-off. If you've noticed more than perhaps one of these, your Spidey-Sense [] should be tingling—it's time to start polishing that resume/CV!
  I. Backups
"Have you backed-up all your work to XYZ?"
  II. Training
"Please train your co-worker on X, we need everyone up to speed on these components."
  III. Important Project or Person MIA
Just like the old Christmas movie, It's a Wonderful Life, where the very existence of the main character is erased from history, a similar fate will happen to $BIG_PROJECT or important people.
  IV. Mandatory Meeting
Subject: Moving Forward in $YEAR+1

Content-free meeting invitations or email focused on date periods, especially late-in the year (a nod to tax purposes). "Let's discuss our plan for 2016." **gulp**

That's my list for now, please chime in with any others you can think of.

Original Submission