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Judge, Siding With Google, Refuses to Shut Down Waze in Wake of Alleged Theft

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2015-12-22 17:40:24

Google, the owner of the traffic app Waze, has managed to beat back a copyright lawsuit [] filed by lesser-known rival PhantomAlert.

Back in September 2015 PhantomAlert sued Google [] over allegations of copyright infringement. Google purchased Waze in June 2013 for over $1 billion. PhantomAlert alleged that, after a failed data-sharing deal between itself and Waze collapsed in 2010, Waze apparently stole PhantomAlert’s "points of interest" database.

In a judicial order [] filed earlier this month, the San Francisco-based federal judge found that PhantomAlert could not allege a copyright claim on simple facts of where different places actually are.

Does this mean databases of people are fair game, too?

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