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Trump played a clever trick when he called Clinton’s bathroom visit ‘disgusting’

Accepted submission by Runaway1956 at 2015-12-22 17:42:36

On Monday night, Donald Trump made his latest polarizing comment, saying it was “too disgusting” to talk about Hillary Clinton’s use of the bathroom during the last Democratic debate and that she had got “schlonged” by Barack Obama when she lost to him in the 2008 Democratic primary.

Trump was surely talking off-the-cuff in his usual style — and the comments were criticized as offensive and sexist — but it was another example of his mastery in exploiting the psychological biases of conservatives who see much to dislike in today’s society and express support for Trump in the polls.

In fact, a growing mass of academic research has shown that conservatives have a particular revulsion to “disgusting” images. In this line of thinking, Trump’s decision to describe Clinton, one of the most disliked people by conservatives, as a “disgusting” figure would have been an especially powerful way to rile up his supporters.

The research — still debated — suggests that psychological and even biological traits divide people politically, both in the United States and abroad. These are attributes that may help explain why Trump has been so popular among a segment of the electorate, confounding political and media elites.

Some of the recent research has been most pronounced evaluating the differing responses of conservatives and liberals to “disgusting” or “negative” images. Several studies have shown that conservatives are far more likely to have strong reactions to these images or situations than moderates or liberals are. Researchers have also suggested that conservatives are more likely to respond negatively to threats or be prone to believe conspiracies, perhaps helping explain why Trump’s calls to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States or build a wall at the southern border have resonated with many voters.

DISCLAIMER: I haven't even clicked the links to the "research". I strongly suspect that this "study" is yet more bogus pseudo-science, like the "study" that showed Conservatives are more fearful than Progressives. Or, any number of studies which purport to show that Party X is more intelligent. Stupid pseudo-science, passing under cover of psycho-babble.

But, I think this should lead to a fun discussion, complete with clubs, polearms, and plain old sharp sticks.

Then again, I do think the Democrat's front runner is a disgusting example of homobackwardus.

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