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Special Snowflakes No More

Accepted submission by takyon at 2015-12-24 19:08:53

Caltech physicist Kenneth Libbrecht creates nearly identical "designer snowflakes" [] by precisely controlling growth conditions such as temperature, humidity, positioning, and air flow. Here's a 60 second explanation [] on YouTube.


Here are few articles [] by Libbrecht:

Morphogenesis on Ice: The Physics of Snow Crystals []
Explaining the Formation of Thin Ice-Crystal Plates with Structure-Dependent Attachment Kinetics []
An Investigation of Laboratory-grown Ice Spikes [] (DOI: 10.3189/172756504781830015)
The Physics of Snow Crystals []
The Formation of Snow Crystals []
A Convection Chamber for Measuring Ice Crystal Growth Dynamics []
Crystal Growth in the Presence of Surface Melting and Impurities: An Explanation of Snow Crystal Growth Morphologies []

Original Submission