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Firm Forecasts 40% Compound Annual Growth for Robotic Exoskeleton Market

Accepted submission by takyon at 2015-12-25 00:22:47

From The Register's Gundam desk []:

Rise of the machines The robotic exoskeleton market is set to score 39.6 per cent compound annual growth between now and 2025, emerging as a US$1.8bn industry.

So says analyst outfit ABI Research, which reckons $68 million of exoskeletal kit shipped in 2014.

"Lower body exoskeletons, employed as rehabilitation tools or quality of life enablers, currently lead the sector," the firm says.

But the future is "commercial systems that augment or amplify capabilities". Vendors will target "industrial tasks requiring heavy lifting, extended standing, squatting, bending or walking in manufacturing facilities, particularly within construction and agriculture industries."

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