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Australia's "Stoner Sloth" Anti-Weed Campaign Is an Instant and Classic Fail

Accepted submission by -- OriginalOwner_ at 2015-12-27 13:01:07

from the try-reverse-psychology-next-time,-dudes dept.

Adweek reports []

There's a long and not-very-proud tradition of anti-drug advertising that gets ridiculed for missing the mark with young audiences. Australia's New South Wales government just added a classic new entry to that hall of shame with #StonerSloth, [] a campaign designed to shame teens who get high--but who are finding the ads hilariously delightful instead.

In three short videos, marijuana has turned teens into giant sloths--and the metaphor is made literal, as the kids are actually depicted as giant hairy beasts with long, curved claws. Socially, they're utterly useless. All they can do is moan, since they're so high. And they can't take tests at school, make small talk at parties, or--most comically, if unintentionally so--even pass the salt at dinner.

[...]The campaign is so cartoony and weird that teens, rather than learning any lessons from it, are embracing it as one big joke. There are already parody videos, endless Twitter jokes--and even a "Pass the salt" sloth T-shirt for sale.

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