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What to do with old Smart Phones?

Accepted submission by frojack at 2015-12-28 01:08:03

Ok, there is at least a random chance that some of us or someone in our family got a new smartphone as a gift this year. Maybe you hand the old phone down to one of the kids for a wifi device. Maybe you thought better of trading it in, and having your data end up on the streets of some country who's name ends in "stan".

There are the usual perennial articles on this subject Such as this one [] from a site at least pretending to be from a country ending in "stan", or this one from BusinessInsider. []

Note: Most GSM phones can be used to call 911 in the US/Canada even without a sim card present. Donations [] to Charities or Women's Shelters or Homeless service agencies is always an option as long as you wipe the phone completely.

So what does the Savvy Soylentil do with the old Smartphone?

Original Submission