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Driver's licenses from nine states are scheduled to become invalid federal ID on January 10.

Accepted submission by xpda at 2015-12-28 20:47:34

Driver licenses from Alaska, California, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Washington do not meet federal Real ID standards []. Because those states have not received extensions beyond January 10, using driver licenses from those states may not be allowed for federal purposes [] other than air travel, which will be allowed for at least another 120 days.

Other states are either in compliance with Real ID or have received extensions until next October. It's highly unlikely that the U.S. Government will refuse state driver licenses from certain states, with the possible exception of a few situations designed for sound bites and other publicity. The primary issue seems not to be about security, but rather about states' rights vs. federal control, a popular resistance to federal ID cards, and privacy concerns. Most expect the federal government to continue to accept non-Real ID state IDs, but only after a certain amount of political bluster and posturing.

For those who prefer not to wait for a certified state ID and would rather not carry a passport, a federal passport card [] is available for $30.

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