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Sidecar To Wind Down on December 31st; Invokes Silly Valley Reality Distortion Field

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2015-12-30 00:25:53
TechCrunch reports [] on an announcement posted via Medium [] by Sidecar CEO Sunil Paul, starting with the announcement, "We will cease ride and delivery operations at 2PM Pacific Time, December 31." From there, an avalanche of self-adulation follows, among which is buried an assertion that the service shutdown announcement is "by no means the end of the journey for the company." Reading between the lines, this appears to indicate that co-founders Sunil Paul and Jahan Khanna are taking their company back into incubator mode. Union Square Ventures partner Fred Wilson previously had blog entries about being "very excited by the potential of shared rides," [] and that "combining people plus packages is a win/win/win." [] Re/Code's Mark Bergen adds an anecdote [] to the mix: "I’d heard that Sidecar was poking around for a sale recently, but did not hear who the prospective buyers were."

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