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Giant from the Deep is Spotted in Japan

Accepted submission by mendax at 2015-12-31 15:04:49

The New York Times ran a story [] yesterday about an example of elusive giant squid, complete with video, having been spotted alive in Toyama Bay off the coast of Japan:

They can be as big as a bus, or even bigger, and yet the elusive giant squid has hardly been spotted swimming alive in the ocean. [...]

The last time a giant squid was captured on video, though less vividly so, was during a scientific expedition in 2012. Photos of the creature in the wild were captured for the first time in 2005 by Japanese researchers, stirring excitement among those who had long sought to glimpse a giant squid in its natural habitat.

“This has been a mystery for a thousand years,” Richard Ellis, author of “Monsters of the Sea,” said of the photographs at the time. “Nobody knew what they looked like in the wild.”

The original CNN story can be found here [].

Hopefully, this noble creature is not turned into sashimi.

Original Submission