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The Single Biggest Problem With 'Fallout 4' Is The Same As 'The Witcher 3' And 'Skyrim'

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2015-12-31 16:22:58

the single biggest problem with Fallout 4 is combat []. It may be an improvement over Fallout 3, but it’s still so unwieldy. As far as shooters go, I could rattle off a dozen I’ve played this year that employ better mechanics without breaking a sweat. It reminds me so much of Skyrim, the last big Bethesda RPG. I loved a lot of things about Skyrim the same way I love Fallout 4. These worlds are like no other games out there. I like Fallout 4 more than Skyrim for a lot of reasons, even though I tend to lean fantasy over science-fiction. And the combat is no exception. I prefer Fallout 4′s shooting to the clunky bows, magic, and melee of The Elder Scrolls. But both games suffer in the combat department to the detriment of the rest of the experience.

That’s also the case with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which couples a fantastic story and marvelous questing with truly underwhelming swordplay and magic. I guess it’s strange to me that these game developers and publishers are pumping so much money and time and resources into these games and still fail to shore up what’s quite possibly the most fundamental piece of almost every video game.

The combat is pretty much the same as Fallout 3, with a slightly downgraded V.A.T.S. The biggest drag is power armor that runs out of batteries you can't find ready replacements for.

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