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DOE Level VI is coming to a power supply near you

Accepted submission by at 2016-01-01 13:55:09

Whatever you call it, the humble AC adapter, external power supply, plug pack, plug-in adapter, domestic mains adapter, line power adapter, wall wart, or power brick is due for significant changes next month.

From []

The U.S. Level VI energy-efficiency regulation, aimed at energy savings in external power supplies, goes into force on February 10, 2016, and will impact all OEMs selling into the U.S. market. The European Union (EU) also is expected to harmonize with the new efficiency standard.

This article includes a quote (& pun) from one power supply vendor,

“It’s a two-pronged approach,” said Johnson. “The regulation addresses active mode when the adapter is powered up and supplying power to the end product. Under the regulation, efficiency is increased by roughly five percent.”

But the big change is at no load when the adapter is plugged into the wall – like a cell phone charger – and nothing is connected to it, Johnson added. “Power consumption at Level IV was .5 watt and at Level VI it’s decreasing to .1 watt, which when you talk about the millions of adapters in the market it’s significant in power savings.”

Another article can be found at []

US Department of Energy has an information page with several linked documents []
"Rulemaking for Battery Chargers and External Power Supplies Energy Conservation Standard"

Original Submission