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School teacher beats drunk driving charge after proving that her body brews alcohol

Accepted submission by JeffPaetkau at 2016-01-01 22:55:42

A woman in the United States has escaped a drink-driving charge [] — after proving that her body is a natural “brewery.” The woman, who has not been named, was arrested in New York state in 2014 after being pulled over for erratic driving and found to have a blood-alcohol level more than four times the legal limit. The woman, said to be a 35-year-old school teacher, was referred for medical tests which revealed that even after a day drinking no alcohol at all she had a blood-alcohol content of 0.36 per cent compared with the New York “drunkenness” threshold of 0.08 per cent. She was subsequently diagnosed with a rare condition called auto-brewery syndrome.

As usual, more information on auto-brewery syndrome [] can be found on Wikipedia.

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