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Self-Driving Cars Don't Need to be Perfect

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2016-01-03 23:15:47
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A little while back, I saw the following tweet:

I can print mostly. My wifi works often. The Xbox usually recognises me. Siri sometimes works. But my self driving car will be *perfect*.

The tweet has since been deleted, so I won’t name the author, but it’s a thought-provoking idea. At first, I agreed with it. I’m a programmer and know full well just how shoddy is 99.9% of the code we all write. The idea that I would put my life in the hands of a coder like myself is a bit worrying.

[...] The reality is that self-driving cars don’t need to be perfect. They just need to be better than the alternative: human-driven cars. And that is a much lower bar, as human beings are remarkably bad at driving.

[...] Self-driving cars don’t get tired. They don’t get drunk. They don’t get distracted by friends or a crying baby. They don’t look away from the road to send a text message. They don’t speed, tailgate, brake too late, forget to show a blinker, drive too fast in bad weather, run red lights, race other cars at red lights, or miss exits. Self-driving cars aren’t going to be perfect, but they will be a hell of a lot better than you and me.

Related: The High-Stakes Race to Rid the World of Human Drivers []

Original Submission