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BBC, Trump Web Attacks "Just the Start," says Hacktivist Group

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2016-01-03 23:29:09

A hactivist group called New World Hacking [] has claimed responsibility for both the BBC Web attack [] last week and for taking down Donald Trump's campaign Website [] for about an hour yesterday. Claiming they used Amazon's cloud service to launch the attacks, the group has said they're just getting started []:

One of the members of the group, who identified himself as Ownz and declined to use his real name, told ZDNet that the attacks on the BBC's website and Trump's website were a "test of power" and server strength.

"ISIS is our main target," said Ownz.

[...] Amazon has previously said [] that Amazon Web Services "employs a number of automated detection and mitigation techniques to prevent the misuse of our services," with the capability to stop denial-of-service attacks from being launched and to shut down such an attack quickly if one is detected.

"We have our ways of bypassing Amazon," said Ownz. "The best way to describe it is we tap into a few administrative services that Amazon is use to using. The [sic] simply set our bandwidth limit as unlimited and program our own scripts to hide it."

"The main purpose of this benefits unmasking ISIS, stopping the spread, and possibly ending the propaganda," said Ownz. "We have been taking down ISIS websites in the past... this is just the start of a new year."

Original Submission