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Crowdfunding for Psychonauts 2 in final week, just short of goal

Accepted submission by Zinho at 2016-01-04 03:23:46

For those of you who remember Psychonauts [] from 10 years ago, and for those who bought it in its more recent re-release, the producer is crowdfunding a sequel: Psychonauts 2! []

The crowdfunding is through a website called fig, [] which gives you the option of investing in addition to / instead of getting Kickstarter-style rewards. At the time of submission they had $3,177,445 raised of a $3,300,000 goal. The project has 8 days left, closing Jan 12, 2016 at 3pm Eastern time.

Having only recently purchased and played through the original myself for the first time, I'm excited about the sequel. I'm hoping a little extra exposure will help like-minded folks find a way to push it over the top.

Best of luck to Double Fine studios!

Original Submission