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In Russia, Drones Registered Too

Accepted submission by frojack at 2016-01-04 07:07:01

According to RT, Drone will have to be registered [] just as they are in the US.

Apparently, the registration allows the same exemption for light weight drones under 250 grams (.55 pounds) as the US law.

According to the new act, which comes into force at the end of March 2016, people or companies who own and use unmanned aircraft systems (also known as drones) must also appoint a crew and a commander responsible for flight safety.

However that's where the similarity ends.

The new law also requires a flight plan be filed:

In addition, users of registered drones will have to write a flight plan and submit it to the regional body that coordinates air traffic. Just as with conventional piloted aircraft, once the flight plan is agreed the crew must follow it, with the right to conduct an emergency landing only in cases when public safety is under threat.

The article is not clear if the flight plan must be filed for EACH flight, or if one could file a generic plan to cover all photo flights, practice flights in specific areas, etc.

Original Submission