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How Close Are Meat Alternatives to Replacing Beef and Chicken?

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-01-04 13:59:45

a wave of startups [is] aiming to wean Americans off foods like burgers and eggs [], and their efforts are attracting tens of millions of dollars from investors. The goal is to lessen the dependence on livestock for food, which they say isn't as healthy, affordable or environmentally friendly as plant-based alternatives.
In its office in Southern California, Beyond Meat works on "chicken" strips made with pea and soy proteins that have been sold at places like Whole Foods since 2012. But founder Ethan Brown concedes the product needs work.

To give the "meat" its fat, for instance, canola oil is evenly mixed throughout the product.
At Impossible Foods, the patty is made by extracting proteins from foods like spinach and beans, then combining them with other ingredients. The company, which has about 100 employees, expects the product to be available in the latter half of next year, initially through a food-service operator.
Modern Meadow in New York City takes cells from a cow through a biopsy and cultures them to grow into meat. At a conference in February, company founder Andras Forgacs likened the process to culturing yogurt or brewing beer.

Boca Burgers do a pretty good job. What are Soylentils' favorite meat substitutes?

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