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New Technique Offers Strong, Flawless 3-D Printed Ceramics

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-01-04 14:11:33

Ceramic materials offer many appealing qualities, including high-temperature stability, environmental resistance, and high strength. But unlike polymers and some metals, ceramic particles don't fuse together when heated.

Thus, the few 3D printing techniques that have been developed for ceramics [] have slow production rates and involve additives that increase the material's tendency to crack.

Zak Eckel and colleagues were able to improve upon these processes by using silicon- and oxygen-based polymers that, upon polymerization, trap the UV light so that additives aren't needed for the UV curing steps.

Once the polymer is printed, the part is heated to a high temperature to burn off the oxygen atoms, thus forming a highly dense and strong silicon carbide product.

Original Submission