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Times Tables Tests for 11 year-olds coming in the UK

Accepted submission by Nuke at 2016-01-04 14:36:27
Career & Education
Nicky Morgan, the UK Education Secretary, has announced that from 2017 all 11 year olds will be tested for their knowledge of the times tables up to 12x12.

She said []: "Maths is a non-negotiable part of a good education. .... That is why we are introducing a new check to ensure all pupils know their times tables by age 11."

I am glad I was taught those tables at school until I knew the answers by reflex, but I had not realised that the teaching of them had lapsed.

Critics are saying [] it is a memory test and nothing to do with maths skills. But does that matter, when the alternative for most would be a calculator? You can find 8x7 by putting dots in an eight by seven rectangle and then counting them, but having done that once, say in primary school, why not remember the answer as a quickly accessible building block for further maths skills?

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