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Dreaming of a Wire-free Laptop? It's Closer to Reality

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-01-06 14:25:56

In the not too distant future, PC makers want to free your laptop of wires and cables []. Some announcements at CES signal progress toward that goal.

PC makers want to bid adieu to bulky power adapters, and make charging as simple as placing a laptop on a kitchen counter, desk or table at a cafe. Another goal is to establish speedy wireless connections between laptops and external peripherals, which could eliminate wired ports like USB and HDMI from PCs.

Intel showed a wire-free prototype laptop last year. The laptop charged wirelessly when placed on a surface. Monitors and external storage linked up to the laptop through the emerging WiGig wireless technology, which is significantly faster than Wi-Fi.

There wasn't a specific product announced at CES with all the key wire-free attributes. But some laptops were announced with integrated WiGig, and wireless power standards organization AirFuel Alliance said that products capable of charging laptops would be available this year.

Finally a good use for all that cancer-causing wifi radiation around us.

Original Submission