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New Construction Robot Lays Bricks 3 Times as Fast as Human Workers

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-01-08 14:39:57

A new construction worker [] has been lending high-efficiency help to job sites, laying bricks [] at almost three times the speed of a human worker. SAM [] (short for Semi-Automated Mason) is a robotic bricklayer [] that handles the repetitive tasks of basic brick laying, MIT Technology Review reports []. While SAM handles picking up bricks [], applying mortar and placing them at designated locations, its human partner handles worksite setup, laying bricks in specific areas (e.g. corners) and improving the aesthetic quality of the masonry.

Despite its role in completing repetitive tasks, SAM can adapt to real jobsite conditions, including differentiating between theoretical drawings and the conditions of the actual building site. It is also capable of minor detailing, such as emblazoning a logo by following a pixel map of the image, and adding texture to the wall face by bumping bricks by half an inch.

The next robot like this should use the acronym L.U.D.D.

Original Submission