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4.5 Billion-year-old Meteorite Discovered in Australian Outback Could Reveal Solar System's Origins

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-01-08 14:48:55

A meteorite [] older than the Earth that researchers discovered embedded in the crust of a dried lake in southern Australia could help us understand more about the origins of the solar system.

The 1.7-kilogram meteorite was found by a team of geologists and researchers from Perth's [] Curtin University, after a painstaking search that was conducted just hours before heavy rainfall which would have destroyed all visible traces of the meteorite's landing.

Five remote cameras located around the dried bed of Lake Eyre, which are designed to detect falling meteorites, spotted the object as it came down to Earth, ABC [] reported.

Space agencies around the world have been launching expensive missions to land probes on asteroids to gather information about the early solar system, so potentially getting the same class of info from the meteorite is a key find.

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