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Yahoo Planning 10% Layoffs As Early As This Month, Report Says

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-01-08 14:53:07

Yahoo plans to lay off 10 percent of its workforce as early as this month [].

The reorganization would eliminate 1,000 positions at the troubled company, according to Business Insider, citing sources close to the situation. Cuts are expected across the board, but will hit Yahoo's media business, European operations and platforms-technology group harder than the rest of the company.

"A team is working on it and they want to do it this quarter," a source told Business Insider. The company has not commented on the report.

A key area for Yahoo's reorganization will be the media properties, or "digital magazines.” Sources say the magazine units have not seen their budgets for 2016. Yahoo shut down its video hub Yahoo Screen last week, also part of the media division. Yahoo Screen launched almost two years ago as a home for Yahoo’s original and syndicated programming.

How the mighty have fallen.

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