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Teslasuit Offers Full-body Haptics to VR Users

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-01-08 16:43:00

Tesla Studios (no relationship to Tesla Motors) recently announced that it has developed a full-body suit [] that will give the wearer a sensory experience to match the visual experiences now available through virtual reality headsets. Called the Teslasuit, it relies on neuro-muscular electrical stimulation technology also used in medicine, electrotherapy and professional sports to offer both tactile stimulation and temperature control.

The suit incorporates a mesh of sensors that include up to 52 channels to stimulate sensations in the skin through tiny electric pulses. The company says that it can simulate such diverse sensory experiences as touch, wind, water, heat, cold and force. For instance, the wearer can feel a warm summer breeze or the sudden impact of a bullet.

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