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The Trouble With Twitter. Trolls, Verifications removed & Stock failing

Accepted submission by the_leander at 2016-01-10 21:52:33

Whilst Twitter drama is usually pretty mundane stuff, some of the questions being raised by people given its new implementation of its rules, as well as its future does I feel warrant a serious look.

"Twitter is experiencing serious growing pains as of late, with the twitter stock dropping below $20 today, for the first time ever.

New ideas announced, such as the future limit of 10,000 chars instead of 140, aren't helping either. 10,000 chars is more than most editorials, is twitter trying to be a tumblr? It became the webs commenting system to all news & stories, now it wants to be the publication system of all news and stories. I've said it before; "Content is no longer king, the platform on which it is delivered is", and Twitter wants to be a bigger platform to solve their stock pricing problem."

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