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No Escape: MSFT Injects "Get Windows 10" Nagware into Biz PCs

Accepted submission by -- OriginalOwner_ at 2016-01-15 02:46:06

from the one-microsoft-way dept.

El Reg reports []

Microsoft's relentless campaign to push Windows 10 onto every PC on the planet knows no bounds: now business desktops will be nagged to upgrade.

When Redmond started quietly installing [] Windows 10 on computers via Windows Update [], it was aimed at getting home users off Windows 7 and 8. If you were using Windows Pro or Enterprise, or managed your machines using a domain, you weren't supposed to be pestered with dialog boxes offering the free upgrade.

Until now.

According to Microsoft on [January 13] [], the controversial try-hard "Get Windows 10" nagware is now coming to an office near you:

We will begin to roll out the "Get Windows 10" app to additional devices that meet the following criteria, in the US later this month and in additional markets shortly thereafter:

  • Running and licensed for Windows 7 Pro or Windows 8.1 Pro
  • Configured to receive updates directly from the Windows Update service (i.e. updates are not managed by WSUS or System Center Configuration Manager on those devices)
  • Joined to an Active Directory domain

[...]The pushy assumption by Microsoft that we should unquestioningly swallow Windows 10 will continue to aggravate: it's straight out of its 1990s bullyboy playbook, except rather than screw over its rivals, Microsoft is now turning the screws on its own customers.

An app that allows a Windoze user to take back control of his machine (for now) was previously mentioned here [] by DonkeyChan, Hairyfeet, et al.

Original Submission