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Github: It is Very Hard to Even Interview People Who Are White

Accepted submission by The Mighty Buzzard at 2016-02-08 11:51:23

In a stunning example of failure to understand the meaning of the word equality, Github's "social impact team" is now actively discriminating [] against people based on gender and skin color; white women in particular:

One insider criticized GitHub's "social impact team," which is in charge of figuring out how to use the product to tackle social issues, including diversity within the company itself. It's led by Nicole Sanchez [], vice president of social impact, who joined GitHub in May after working as a diversity consultant.

While people inside the company approve of the goal to hire a more diverse workforce, some think the team is contributing to the internal cultural battle.

"They are trying to control culture, interviewing and firing. Scary times at the company without a seasoned leader. While their efforts are admirable it is very hard to even interview people who are 'white' which makes things challenging," this person said.

Sanchez is known for some strong views about diversity. She wrote an article for USA Today [] shortly before she joined GitHub titled, "More white women does not equal tech diversity."

At one diversity training talk held at a different company and geared toward people of color, she came on a bit stronger with a point that says, "Some of the biggest barriers to progress are white women."

From a site policy standpoint, this really makes me want to argue for finding another host for our rehash repository, enormous pain in the ass though that would be.

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