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Your Refusal to Join Twitter is Taking a Toll

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-02-12 12:42:54

Twitter needs more people to tweet []. In its desperation to make that happen, it's taking a page from old cookbooks on how to make pasta: Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks.

So far not much is sticking, and that's bad news for Twitter because it needs to win over people who have little interest in tweeting. In July, it reported 316 million users were actively tweeting, just a 3 percent rise from three months before, and it warned investors not to expect " sustained meaningful growth []." In October, the San Francisco-based company said the number of active users grew by a meager 1 percent [].

Twitter's executives, including CEO Jack Dorsey, admit they've got a problem. The service is confusing, which makes it hard for tweeters to find other people and topics to follow. It's also viewed as a hotbed of abusive behavior, which intimidates both new and existing users.

Twitter also knows it needs a face-lift that will make it more visually appealing in a way that encourages regular people, and not just an in crowd of entertainers, politicos and hipsters, to use the service.

Twitter is for twits?

Original Submission