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Sweden to Go 'Carbon Neutral' by 2045, With 85% Cuts at Home

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-02-17 13:51:12

the Swedish parliamentary committee responsible for environmental policy [] has published a plan to go "carbon neutral" by 2045 [], building on a previous pledge to have no net emissions by 2050.

Of course "carbon neutral" can be a somewhat fuzzy term, so it's good to see that the committee has stated that 85% of the emissions reductions needed will be achieved at home. The remaining`15% would be achieved by supporting emissions reduction projects abroad.

It's an impressive goal. And it sends yet another strong signal to the markets that the low carbon transition is well underway. With New Zealand [] and the UK phasing out coal [], many major cities [] and gigantic corporations committing to 100% renewables [], and now entire nation states declaring huge carbon reduction goals and ambitious timeframes in which they intend to achieve them, I tend to think that fossil fuel execs ought to be thinking very hard about what their Plan B is if the world starts making good on even some of its lofty green promises.

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