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MIT Turns Splashing Water into an Interactive Display

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-02-22 16:30:05

If you get very, very lucky when you're doing the dishes, the water streaming out of your tap might occasionally splash onto a bowl or spoon in just the right way [] and spread out into a flawless hemispherical water curtain that means you can stop doing the dishes for a while to admire it. 

Researchers at the MIT Media Lab’s Tangible Media Group have learned to do it on purpose. They’ve created HydroMorph []: a “dynamic spatial water membrane []” that can turn this pleasingly curvy splash into a flapping bird, form it into an interactive countdown timer, direct it into a cup, and do all kinds of other things that water shouldn’t really be able to do.

There's a video of the project worth watching. Cool stuff.

Original Submission