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Black Monday: Office 365 down and out in Europe

Accepted submission by mendax at 2016-02-22 23:05:03

This is by now old news but nevertheless El Reg has reported [] in a short article that Microsoft's Office 365 suite has been down, more or less, all day Monday:

The exact cause of today’s periodic Office 365 blackout remains a mystery some eight hours after the service in EMEA first fell over.

Poor unsuspecting souls took to Twitter this morning to vent their frustration at their lack of productivity caused by the cloudy productivity suite’s outage.

“We are experiencing a national level intermittent problem with Office 365, we are hoping it will be fixed later today,” stated Teeside University Tech Supp more than seven hours ago.'s article [] is more specific about the cause, quoting a Microsoft talking head:

"A limited number of customers in Europe may have intermittent access to email on mobile devices, or intermittent delays accessing the portal, and we're working to resolve both as quickly as possible," said the spokesperson, curiously focusing only on mobile when, to Computing's knowledge, a number of types of device were affected.

Yet another reason why reliance on cloud computing is such a bad, bad idea.

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