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Australia votes against strong encryption in Senate

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-02-24 06:15:11
Security []

"Both of Australia’s major political parties have explicitly rejected a Senate motion calling on the Government to support public use of strong encryption technologies, in a move that comes in the wake of the US Government’s demand that Apple provide it with a backdoor for open access to its iPhone handset.

Yesterday in the Senate, Greens Senator and Communications Spokesperson Scott Ludlam (pictured) moved a motion dealing with encryption technology.

The motion was defeated, with only the Greens and independent Senators Lambie, Leyonhjelm, Wang, Lazarus, Muir and Xenophon voting for it. Both Labor and the Coalition voted against the motion. "

Senators Lambie, Leyonhjelm, Wang, Lazarus and Muir are likely to have voted against it simply to defy the Liberal and Labor parties. Ludlam and Xenophon are the only two senators with a hope of understanding the motion or it's implications.

Australia proves itself as NSA lapdogs once again.

Original Submission