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What Happens to a Couple's Digital Life After Break Up?

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-02-24 14:09:41

During a romantic relationship, a couple is likely to create, accumulate and share many digital possessions such as videos, photos, chat histories, and shared accounts like Netflix []. These digital possessions can cue precious memories, but if the relationship ends these possessions don't just disappear, they need to be dealt with in some way.

Daniel Herron is the first joint PhD student between Scotland's University of Dundee and UTS. He is investigating how these memory cues are dealt with by people after they experience a break up, separation or divorce.

"Creating digital possessions as part of a relationship is entirely commonplace compared to 10 years ago. People often find it very difficult to work out what to do with these digital possessions that they have generated after a breakup, due to the many opportunities for reminiscence created by exploring these digital possessions," said Herron.

Maybe both parties to the relationship can walk away with a full copy of the digital assets?

Original Submission