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Should I drink coffee?

Accepted submission by mendax at 2016-02-25 00:13:55

The New York Times has an interesting article [] about what could perhaps be thought of as the earliest caffeinated energy drink: coffee. It poses a question with its headline: "I Don’t Drink Coffee. Should I Start?"

From the article:

As someone who doesn’t drink coffee, I’m sometimes forced to ponder whether I’ve escaped an unhealthy addiction or if I’ve just been asleep my whole life.

Counting yourself out from the 64 percent of Americans who drink at least one cup a day can invite bewildered responses from dedicated coffee drinkers. To them, the benefits are clear, the drawbacks minimal.

Being in the minority, it’s easy to wonder: Have I been making a mistake? Should I and other coffee abstainers start now?

My take: I think coffee wakes people up because it tastes so filthy that it shocks the drinker's system into alertness, but there's nothing wrong with it. Furthermore, the digital revolution was fueled by coffee.

Original Submission