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Ubuntu's Convergence Vision is Looking Amazing (Video Evidence)

Accepted submission by -- OriginalOwner_ at 2016-02-26 02:21:02

from the nice-words-about-Linux-from-IDG dept.

Bryan Lunduke at Network World reports []

I just watched a video, from XDA, that showed a live demo of Ubuntu that, I kid you not, made me do a little happy dance. Just so we're on the same page, go watch that video right now []--at least up to about the 4-minute mark where the hands-on demo of the tablet ends.

[...]After watching this video, [all my previous disappointment with Ubuntu] melted away for two absolutely wonderful reasons.

First, the "convergence" vision actually appears to be reaching a point where it is usable. Take a phone (or tablet), plug in a monitor and you've got yourself a full desktop PC. Not just that but a full desktop that can run traditional Linux software like LibreOffice and GIMP with state preserved between "mobile" mode and "desktop" mode. This is a big freaking deal.

What's more, it appeared to be working rather well with quite a few nice touches. The phone, when docked to a monitor, even becomes an input device; You can use it as a touchpad mouse and a virtual keyboard. Not necessarily something I'd use very often (if I'm docked to a monitor I probably have a keyboard handy) but a cool detail just the same.

[Second], after that was demoed, the tablet came out. At which point I believe I began drooling a little.

On that Ubuntu Touch tablet was running GIMP in "single window" mode. This, all by itself, is great. The idea that I could have a Linux-powered tablet (that's not Android), upon which I can run the software I rely on every day (the desktop Linux applications we all know and love), is an absolute dream. But it gets better.

Dragging down from the top of the screen on the tablet, revealed an option called simply "Desktop Mode". One little tap of that toggle button and--shazam!--the user experience changed from the "everything is full screen, touch-focused, mobile interface" to a more traditional looking desktop. Complete with movable, layered, and re-sizable windows.

All while preserving state when switching between "touch" mode and "Desktop" mode. My mind is spinning with the possibilities.

[...]Now, get that tablet shipping so I can play with it.

Related: Maru OS: an Android ROM that Turns into Debian when it Senses Connected PC Peripherals []

Original Submission