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Pentagon Research Could Make 'Brain Modem' a Reality

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-02-27 16:59:33

Pentagon Research Could Make 'Brain Modem' a Reality
The tiny injectable machine could turn your noodle into a remote control.

"This seemingly unlikely piece of technology has just gotten a lot less unlikely. On Feb. 8, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)-the U.S. military’s fringe-science wing-announced the first successful tests, on animal subjects, of a tiny sensor that travels through blood vessels, lodges in the brain and records neural activity."[1]

"The so-called "stentrode," a combination stent and electrode, is the size of a paperclip and flexible. The tiny, injectable machine-the invention of neurologist Tom Oxley and his team at the University of Melbourne in Australia-could help researchers solve one of the most vexing problems with the brain modem: how to insert a transmitter into the brain without also drilling a hole in the user’s head, a risky procedure under any circumstances."

""By reducing the need for invasive surgery, the stentrode may pave the way for more practical implementations of those kinds of life-changing applications of brain-machine interfaces, Doug Weber, a DARPA program manager, said in a statement." [] [] []

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The Pentagon Wants to Put This in Your Brain
The U.S. military wants to build a brain modem that allows you to control objects by willpower. How realistic is it?

"The U.S. military is beginning work on a new "implantable neural interface" that it hopes will allow wearers to transmit data back and forth from their brains to external digital devices." [] []

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