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Kids Are Facing Criminal Charges for Using Emoji

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-02-29 23:35:26
Digital Liberty

It seems 🚸 should 👀 watch out what kind of 💩 they're sending with their 📱💻 if they don't want to get a visit from the 👮🚓. Time [] writes:

Emojis are quickly becoming the language of the Internet, but with that power comes a raft of new legal issues. Cases are beginning to emerge in which police charge people — often kids — for using emoji in ways that they deem threatening.

[...] a 12-year-old girl in Fairfax, Va. was charged with threatening her school and computer harassment because she posted a message on Instagram that included a bomb, knife and gun emojis and the phrase "meet me in the Library."

[...] a teen was charged with making a terrorist threat after he wrote a Facebook post that included three gun emojis pointing at the head of a police officer emoji.

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