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Obsolete Crypto Is Dangerous - SSLv2 vulnerability used to attack TLS

Accepted submission by ticho at 2016-03-01 14:19:26

A fascinating new research called DROWN [] has uncovered a previously-unknown vulnerability in SSL v2, the first ever version of SSL that was released in 1995 and declared dead less than a year later. Even though this old version of SSL is not used much these days, it continues to be supported by many servers. The especially bad aspect of this attack is that it can be used to exploit TLS, even in cases when client devices don’t support SSL v2, and sometimes even in cases when the servers don’t support SSL v2 (but use the same RSA key as some other server that does). The researchers estimate that up to 22% of servers could be impacted by this problem.

You can read more in a Qualys blog article [] about the attack.

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