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Hundreds Walk Off Tesla Job in Nevada Labor Dispute

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-03-01 14:42:31

Hundreds of union construction workers walked off the job at Tesla Motors' battery manufacturing plant in northern Nevada on Monday [] to protest what union organizers say is the increased hiring of out-of-state workers for less pay.

Approximately 350 plumbers, carpenters, electricians, painters and others walked away from the construction site Monday along U.S. Interstate 80 about 25 miles east of Reno, said Russell James, District 16 business development specialist for the Building and Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada.

More than 100 picketed outside the main gate against what they say is an unfair labor practice that undermines promises to hire mostly Nevada workers in exchange for more than $1 billion in state tax breaks, James said.

"It's corporate welfare at its worst," he told The Associated Press.

Union officials said work at Tesla's gigafactory is increasingly being done by crews for the non-union, New Mexico-based Brycon Corp.

Tesla had better take care: there are plenty of other jobs for those skilled workers in the country east of Reno [].

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