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Of Guns, Faith, and Scientific Truth

Accepted submission by legont at 2016-03-02 16:56:32

I stumbled upon a very good article about highly controversial subject of whether guns protect or kill people here []

The reason I find this one interesting is not because it makes an argument one way or another (it does), but because it demonstrates general issues with scientific and political truth (which is my pet subject) that will hopefully be discussed. Here is the conclusion:

Vox posted these two studies as proof that there was a state-level gun-murder correlation. The first one was deeply flawed, but the second one turned out to be okay. Do you think Vox realized this? Do you think they would have written that article any differently in a world where both studies were flawed? As long as you trust every scientific paper you see – let alone every scientific paper you see on your side in a highly politicized field – even when you’re right it will often just be by luck.

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